Am 15. August wurde Hasi (Honey) stolze Mutter von 7 kleinen Kitten. Vater des Wurfes ist Gabbana vom Kaiserstrand. Die Kitten sind 3. Generation und tragen alle Cinnamon. Momentan sieht es so aus, als hätten wir 3 Katerchen und 4 Mädels.
Kitten 1: Lilac Mink Katerchen
Kitten 2: Chocolate Sepia Katerchen
Kitten 3: Chocolate Sepia Katerchen
Kitten 4: Brown Sepia Kätzchen
Kitten 5: Brown Mink Kätzchen
Kitten 6: Blue Mink Kätzchen
Kitten 7: Chocolate Mink Kätzchen
die neuesten Fotos sind zuoberst, die älteren unten

- lilac mink boy

- a tangle of legs

- she was the smallest. Looks more like a bat than a kitten 😉

- chocolate solid boy

- chocolate solid / brown mink

- blue mink girl

- brown solid / chocolate mink

- love her little face

- chocolate solid / chocolate mink

- lilac mink / chocolate mink

- choc mink girl

- chocolate mink girl

- lilac mink boy

- lilac mink boy (if only he were a girl)

- color line up

- brown mink, lilac mink

- the kittens seem to change daily, so I had to take some new pics

- chocolate/champagne sepia/solid boy

- chocolate/champagne mink boy

- lilac/platinum or chocolate/champagne mink girl

- blue mink or solid girl

- natural/brown mink girl

- natural solid/brown sepia girl

- choc or lilac mink?

- still hoping the one in the middle is a lilac mink girl, but with my luck she is prob...

- 9 days

- Honey is a good mother and spending lots of time with her babies, so they are almost ...

- I think I have a brown solid, a brown mink and a blue. It's difficult to say what col...

- August 18: Honey is still nesting with her babies in the igloo, Obviously she is feel...

- sorry, only day 61, so still 2 more days to go...
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